Cart Marking in the City
18 Jul
One of the oldest traditions of the City is the Cart Marking Ceremony, a sort of pre-DVLA annual taxation of all transport vehicles, from barrows to coaches. Each vehicle is branded with the year’s symbol, an old form of licence certificate!
The Carmen celebrate their 500th anniversary this year. They are assisted by the Glovers’ Company whose Master presents appropriate gloves to the Lord Mayor and others so they can handle the hot brands.
Vehicles range from old hand carts, horse drawn vehicles, landaus, trucks ancient and modern, buses and even Corporal Jones ‘s Butchers Van, with Captain Mainwaring as a passenger.
As Master, I was invited with my wife, Barbara and our Clerk, Gaye Duffy. The general public can also go to this free, colourful event in Guildhall Yard. Check on the Carmen’s website for next July’s date
Robert Woodthorpe Browne